About CPA Website Design

CPA Website Design collaborates with various accounting firms to help them work smarter, not harder. Our internet marketing services and programs are designed to assist you in maximizing your marketing efforts, improving your hourly fee recovery, and ultimately boosting your firm’s profitability.

Founded by an Accountant

Allan Ratafia, a practicing CPA, and Hugh Duffy, a marketer, founded CPA Website Design in 2003. Our tools and teachings are tailored specifically for accounting practitioners, setting us apart from our competitors.

Our Story

CPA Website Design began as a Continuing Professional Education (CPE) provider in 2003, teaching our marketing system at various hotels nationwide. Our marketing system was initially offered as a do-it-yourself approach since we lacked the resources to provide assistance to accounting firms. To our surprise, after attending our two-day workshops, accountants requested us to handle their marketing. Responding to this demand, we started offering lead generation and website development services to accounting firms, which now serve as the primary focus of our business.

Our Approach

At CPA Website Design, we prioritize the return on investment (ROI) for practicing accountants when developing and recommending solutions. Our straightforward approach aims to assist you in generating quality leads, achieving a well-balanced work-life, operating at profit margins that exceed the industry standards, and increasing the value of your practice when it comes time to sell. All the tools we have developed have been tested and utilized in Allan’s own accounting practice.

Our Innovation

We are proud to be the first at many things:

Our marketing system is intended to assist you in working intelligently, not arduously.

Moreover, we urge our clients to offer us feedback, enabling us to enhance our services and tools progressively.

Want To Learn More?

To get started, dial 888-888-8888 and speak with Chris Kelly.

Or, you can request your Free Info Kit online right away.

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