Accounting Website Features

A comprehensive list of features included in our websites.

Our websites are tailored to meet the needs of your accounting firm. You can rest assured that there are no hidden costs for additional features, as we offer customization options that other providers often charge extra for.

Accounting Website Design

The initial impression is crucial, especially for a website. To distinguish yourself from the competition, it's essential to have an appealing and eye-catching design for your accounting website that captures the visitor's attention.

Responsive Design

Increasing the use of smartphones and tablets, accounting firms must have a responsive website. Our website designs are optimized to automatically adjust to the device they are viewed on, ensuring the best possible user experience.

Design Animation

Elevate the appearance of your website with sliding images on your homepage (excluding Professional hosting). Furthermore, various designs come with animation effects to attract even more visitors.

SEO-Friendly Designs

Our websites are constructed keeping best SEO practices in mind, making it easier for search engines such as Google to detect and recognize your services. As a result, your site will eventually climb up the search engine rankings, ensuring that potential clients can easily find you.


choose from our free logo options, or collaborate with our skilled and attentive designers to create a distinctive and personalized logo that will establish a unique brand identity for your accounting firm.

Website Content

The content displayed on your website is crucial. Not only does it contribute to improving your search engine visibility, but it also helps prospective clients become acquainted with your firm's values and offerings.

Professional Content

The content featured on the CPA Website Design is produced and updated internally to ensure that it stays current with the latest tax regulations. This content will establish your expertise and inspire potential clients to contact your firm.

Design Animation

Your website design may have minimal practical value if potential clients are unable to locate it in the plethora of online competitors. This is why we ensure that every website is adequately optimized with appropriate meta tags, keywords, and hyperlinks.

Tax Center

Our accounting websites feature a Tax Center equipped with a variety of useful tools such as the ability to track your refund, a tax organizer (which can be customized or uploaded by us), tax tip articles, and other helpful resources.

Call to Action

We guarantee that your website features a compelling call to action that prompts prospects to take the next step and reach out to you, allowing you to successfully close the deal.

Tax and Accounting Articles

Your website includes an integrated content library that houses hundreds of tax and accounting articles on a variety of topics such as business best practices, insurance, tax issues, investments, real estate, QuickBooks, and more.

Edits Made Easy

At any time, you may request changes to your website by contacting the Web Team via email. Alternatively, if you prefer to make edits to the website copy yourself, simply inform us and we will arrange access for you.

Marketing Tools

Crafting a successful marketing strategy requires more than just a great website. CPA Website Design provides all of the necessary marketing tools to effectively promote your accounting firm online.

Newsletter System

Consistent communication with both clients and prospects can help strengthen your relationship and ensure that you remain on the top of their minds. We offer an email newsletter that you can easily configure to automatically send out our pre-written tax and accounting articles, adding value to your interactions.

Accounting Match Listing

By being listed on Accounting Match, individuals and business owners searching for accounting services online can easily discover your accounting firm and website.

Pay Per Click

For accountants seeking to expand their client base via the internet, CPA Website Design offers Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign management services. Our PPC advertising is designed to drive additional traffic to your website and generate new leads for your accounting firm.


To help advance prospects toward a purchasing decision and increase your firm's prominence in their thoughts, we provide retargeting advertising (also known as remarketing). These unique online ads effectively draw qualified prospects back to your website.

Productivity Tools

Our aim is to assist accountants in working smarter, not harder. With our productivity tools, you can save valuable time and concentrate on the essential task of your business.

Secure File Share

Our website includes secure file sharing tool, Protected Xchange, at no additional cost. This feature enables you to share confidential documents securely and effectively.


BizPayO™ is a payment processing portal that can speed up your payment processing and reduce your receivables. When you purchase our Platinum hosting package, you can sign up for BizPayO™.

Email Newsletter

Our email newsletter system simplifies the process of communicating with your prospects and clients on a regular basis. You can send one-time emails or set up automated emails and forget about them.

3rd Party Integration

We can effortlessly include a hyperlink to the third-party applications you utilize in your accounting practice such as online payroll, cloud-based accounting software, online bill payments, and other cloud computing software programs on your website.

Social Media

Managing your social media profiles is vital for your marketing strategy and staying connected with your current clients. With our tools and features, we make it easy for you to handle your social media accounts.

Social Media Posting Tool

You can easily share any article from our content library on your social media accounts. This is a simple and effortless way to direct readers back to your website using the links provided within the articles.

Encourage Online Reviews

By adding a "Leave a Review" page to your website, you can encourage your clients to share their feedback on popular review platforms such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Additionally, we can include your social media links in either the header or footer of your website for easy access.

Expert Support

Our exceptional customer service is one of our core values. Discover yourself why our clients rave about the CPA Website Design team!

Client Dashboard

All websites come with a client dashboard that provides access to a wide range of resources including help documents, videos, the email newsletter system, content library, ticketing system, and more.

Video Tutorials

Our video tutorials are designed to assist you in using our most popular productivity tools, such as the newsletter, email, and file sharing. Our objective is to provide you with the necessary assistance as quickly as possible.

Support Phone and Email

We aim to provide the very best customer support in the industry. When you have a question or need to make changes to your live website, simply contact any member of the Web Team.

Dedicated Consultant

When you register for a website with CPA Website Design, you will be assigned a dedicated Website Consultant who will guide you through each stage of the development process.

Trials and Guarantee

Our websites are completely risk-free! You can try them out with a free trial, there are no annual contracts, and with Platinum level hosting, we even offer an ROI guarantee. You have nothing to lose!

Free Trial

Our websites are all equipped with a 60-day free trial as a standard feature, which is available when paying through ACH.

Free Trial

Our website service comes with zero commitment or contractual obligations, which means you can try it out without any risks. If you're not satisfied with our service, you can cancel anytime.

ROI Guarantee

For our platinum-level clients, CPA Website Design offers a money-back guarantee for their first paid year with us. Our guarantee states that if your website investment over the 12-month paid subscription (after your free trial) does not bring you more new business, we will refund your investment with CPA Website Design. We stand behind our promise to help you acquire more clients and grow your business.

Custom Features

CPA Website Design offers additional services to help you tailor your website according to your specific needs and preferences.

Custom Logo

We have a team of skilled designers who can collaborate with you to create a unique logo that aligns with your vision for your accounting firm.

Custom Websites

If you want a website that is tailored specifically to your accounting firm, we can work with you to create a unique design that represents your brand and services. You will have a dedicated website consultant to guide you through the process.

Custom Content

We understand the importance of having a website that accurately represents your services and firm. That's why we offer assistance with creating custom pages or services on your website with the help of our expert team.

Graphics and Icons

Our team of graphic designers creates customized graphics and icons for your website, ensuring that you have a professional and unique online presence.

Colors and Branding

Websites can be customized to match the colors of your firm and brand.

Want To Learn More?

To get started, dial 888-888-8888 and speak with Chris Kelly.

Or, you can request your Free Info Kit online right away.

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